Image source: Activision Games Blog

Activision has restored the controller support to play their iconic COD: Mobile with every official approved controller. Actually, players can use DualShock PS4 controllers[Except first gene.] and Xbox One controllers to play COD Handheld, but some features are still capped.

This feature was first added when the game was released in October 2019, and deleted within a month without any complete clarification.

Since then, Activision has not offered any excuses for more than a year and added it back without much concussion.

Any player who owns a controller will now experience MP and BR matches using the controller, but does not allow operations outside of the matches.

Players will need to manually pick modes or loads or all other game choices, and the controller will only function when one matches are reached.

It’s really easy using the controller. All you need to do is connect the controller with a mobile device using Bluetooth and then allow a single toggle to gain access to the game using the controller. To do this, take these basic steps:

  • Open COD Mobile and go to the settings section. 
  • Go to the Controller section and allow the controller to be used for the first time. 
  • Attach your controller to your mobile device and then press the “connect” button. The connection will be checked and you’ll be able to play the game via an external computer. 
  • You may also adjust the setup settings for various buttons under the same line. Choose a mix that you’re happy with and hop in to the games.

This is an easy way to use controllers to play COD Mobile. If you have a wired link, take the same steps and plug the cable in instead of using Bluetooth.

Note that certain functions in the in-game lobby cannot be reached through a joystick, so use your phone when appropriate.

Source: TalkEsports


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